Small Bowling Club Grant Program
The Small Bowling Club Grants Fund offers funding access to Strzelecki North-affiliated bowling clubs. The Grants Fund is replenished annually, on 1 July each year by our Board. At least four projects/purchases can be funded by the Traralgon Bowls Club annually.
Grant funding must be used to to partly or fully fund any purchase, renovation or repair to improve playing conditions or clubhouse conditions for bowlers.
For example:
Purchase of new equipment such as jacks, mats, scoreboards etc;
Purchase of new shelters to protect from wind, rain or sun; and
Renovations or repairs to greens or clubhouses or surrounds.
For more information view the program overview .
Grant application
To submit your application complete the form below. Alternatively, you may download the form to complete and either post to PO Box 491, Traralgon, 3844 or email to
Small Bowling Club Grants Fund - Online Request Form